9 Mar 2020 by Lauren Travers

Please follow the directions below to fill out your USRowing waiver. If you are 18, you may fill out your own waiver, if not, parents must do it. You will also be asked to fill out a PSRA waiver, and instructions for that will come shortly.

1. Click on the link below:

2. From that page, choose INDIVIDUALS, not organizations.

3. If you are a NOVICE, choose JOIN (returning rowers, skip down to step 8). Enter your info and choose Germantown Academy Crew Club for Club/Team name. It will tell you that our roster is locked without a code. The code is 6K7FP

4. You will be given the choice of a Basic or Championship membership – choose BASIC (unless you want the Championship membership…you get a subscription Rowing magazine with it, and there may be some regattas at some point in your rowing career that will require Championship membership, but most of you will want to go with Basic)

5. You will have to pay a small fee (I think it’s $9.75)

6. Sign your waiver!

7. They may ask you some safety questions. DON’T WORRY if you get them wrong, they have absolutely no effect on your ability to row! (At this point, NOVICES, you’re done!)

8. If you rowed before, choose the MEMBERS tab.

9. Click RENEW/UPGRADE. They will ask for your USRowing number, if you don’t remember it, just use the prompts to get it.

10. Renew your membership (Basic or Championship, whichever you want). If they ask for the code, remember, 6K7FP.

11. SIGN YOUR WAIVER! They may ask you some safety questions. DON’T WORRY if you get them wrong.

If you have any problems, email me and I will help you get it figured out. Please do this ASAP!